Latest Information 


 Thursday 27th March - Princess Katharine is running today - half past the hour from Bute Park CF10 1BJ and on the hour from the lower boardwalk in Cardiff Bay CF10 4PZ - see timetable page 

Advance bookings please call 07445440874 or email 

see Princess Katharine featured in:
We regret we are unable to carry wheelchairs, bikes or large pushchairs. Lightweight buggies only, which must be folded before the boat arrives and carried on. 

 Open boat trips on Singfly - advance booking only -  call 07445440874 for details                                                                                        


 please ring us if you require further information
Princess Katharine departs: scheduled water taxi/river tours - see timetable page
Singfly for private tours for up to 7 people- advance booking 



Rainbow Galaxy completed 2,940 miles during his time on board Princess Katharine as part of the Snowdogs project, raising money for Ty Hafan. He has now retired to Coed Glas Primary School where he is be well looked after. Thank you to all who gave to this worthy cause and to the staff and children of the school for their help.....fantastic job!!